Image Manipulation I Project: The ability to conceptualize and design a composite in Photoshop is an important skill for a graphic designer. Not only are you creating a composition, but you are giving intentional thought to communication of a concept, typography, visual hierarchy, image manipulation, and designing with the intent of evoking a response from your audience. You will design an 11x17 social issue campaign, consisting of 3 distinctive yet related posters, in Photoshop and InDesign. Your design must include each of the following components used creatively: effective communication of social issue, minimum of 5 images per poster (cannot be repeated), typography, texture, memorable tagline (headline, description, etc.), and description or contact info for assistance. Do not use any copyrighted material. You may use high-resolution stock photos from the internet, scanned line art, original artwork, and/or original photos. Poster Series by Kirsten Pierce.